sábado, 10 de enero de 2009



Why Walk When You Can Fly?
An Interview with Isha
By Randy Peyser

Isha, the author of Why Walk When You Can Fly? (New World Library), travels the world teaching people how to let go of fear and franticness and find inner peace. Through the use of a simple tool she calls, the "Isha System," she has helped over 150,000 people - including individuals in prisons, children's homes, hospitals, and within low-income populations - to dissolve stress and trauma and access states of peace and joy.

A native of Australia now living in Uruguay, Isha works internationally to transform lives through her numerous centers, as well as through the Isha Foundation Educating for Peace.

For individuals in the United States who would like to experience, teach, or learn more about her profound system for accessing greater states of peace and personal freedom, Isha is offering a Practitioner Training Program. For more information, visit www.Isha.com

Randy Peyser: "Why Walk When You Can Fly?" begins with such a beautiful story. Would you be willing to share this story?

Isha: Yes. A king was gifted with two beautiful peregrine falcons, which are the fastest and most majestic falcons that exist. Every day, the king would look out his window and see a magnificent bird flying high, then soaring rapidly to the ground. But after a period of time, he realized that he only ever saw one bird, not two.

The king called for his bird trainer, who told him that neither he nor the wise men of the kingdom could get the second bird to leave the branch upon which it perched.

The king said, "I know what to do. Let's call a farmer. He'll be able to make that second bird fly."

So, a farmer was called, and the next time the king looked out his window, he saw two spectacular peregrine falcons flying toward the sun.

He called the falcon trainer and said, "What did you do?" The falcon trainer replied, "We did what you told us to do. We called the farmer."

"What did the farmer do?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Bring me the farmer. I want to find out," said the king.

The farmer came and the king said, "How did you make this bird fly? My wise men could not make him fly. What magic did you perform? What is it you know that no one else knows?"

The farmer replied, "Well, sire, it wasn't difficult. I just cut the branch, and when he realized he had wings, he started to fly."

The object of this story is that we don't know we have wings. Oftentimes the thing that is most obvious and simple - like my system for the expansion of consciousness - is where we can start to experience our true essence. That is where we start to take flight, where we experience the greatness of who we are. Whereas, when we are locked in the complications of our lives we don't have the capacity to spread our wings and fly because of the fear we feel.

Randy: In addition to fear, I think timing is also a big issue. Everybody I know is racing and rushing. Life feels pretty complex.

Isha: The reason we're rushing is because we have this idea that our happiness is in the future moment when we achieve or become something more. Happiness exists in this moment. When we start to expand love consciousness, we start to find joy, peace and love in each moment.

The irony is that the things we are running towards, in that future moment when we achieve or attain more, will come naturally. But first we have to find peace and joy in this moment, while still being productive within our lives.

Randy: Throughout your book you refer to "expanding love consciousness" or the "perfection of love." Can you talk about love?

Isha: Love is an energy. This is what humans don't realize; they think love is something external or something you feel. It is actually a very profound internal energy. Using what I call, "the facets," which are described in the book, I provide exercises to focus on this love, which allows peace - that internal joy - to expand rapidly, allowing you to discover your sense of internal security.

When we feel internal security we start letting go of our fears, our addictions, and our limitations because we have the internal courage to start doing and creating what we truly want in our lives. We cling to what is mundane and comfortable because we are afraid to make a new choice.

Randy: Can you talk about the Isha System?

Isha: It's very simple and rapid. The principle aspects of the system are "the facets," which are profound statements of unified consciousness or enlightenment. When we think of these statements in our minds, there is a physical coherency between the right and left hemispheres of the brain and they take us into a profound level of rest.

As a result, all the things that vibrate in our life frequency - all the stresses, the toxins, the stuck emotions, and the limiting belief systems - start to leave very rapidly, and we start to expand into a place of peace and joy.

Most people understand the idea of living in the present moment, but it is almost impossible to do. We need something that helps us come back into the present moment. The Isha System breaks the constraints of illusion, like the fanatical frantic energy that happens when we are rushing.

We can even be frantic about buying tomatoes. Then we realize we are chasing an illusion. So we begin to perceive through new eyes. We start to see the perfection, instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past.

The Isha System expands the internal experience of unconditional love. When we have unconditional love, we let go of the things that cause us to suffer. We start to nurture the experience of unconditional love, and then we see how our addictions don't serve us. Then we let go of our addictions, but from a place of consciousness.

The Isha System is an internal process that ultimately changes all of the external. Imagine that the external is a reflection of what is happening internally. When we start to anchor unconditional love, the external starts to reflect unconditional love back to us.

Randy: You talk about unification. Is that the process by which we come to unconditional love

Isha: Sure. We call it "unifying" when we practice the facets with our eyes closed. When we unify, we lift the vibration of the body very rapidly and everything that is on a lower vibratory level just starts to leave by itself.

We focus on the love. There is no analyzing. This is not something that comes from the intellect. For example, you wouldn't say, "I need to stop smoking because smoking gives me lung cancer." Instead, we decide to stop smoking because our desire to stop comes from an internal experience. In fact, all my addictions fell away rapidly.

Randy: What kind of addictions did you have?

Isha: I drank a lot, like all good Australians. We are alcoholic as a collective consciousness. I smoked a lot. I also had addictions to destructive relationships that didn't nurture me into becoming more. Instead, I was saving people all the time.

Randy: How did the Isha System come about?

Isha: It comes from within me. I got to the point where I didn't want to suffer anymore. I am adopted so I suppose my principle fear was abandonment. I can see that I constructed my personality and my whole world around this rather fragile foundation.

It took a lot of control to maintain the outside so I felt secure. Then I got to the point where I didn't want to do that anymore. I didn't want to compromise myself anymore because I could not bear to be by myself. I wanted to live in absolute freedom.

It was in that moment that I decided to heal completely. I heard a voice in my head that told me it was time to wake up. This voice told me suffering and limitations were all an illusion that could be replaced with an experience of unconditional love.

I listened to that voice. Then I turned inwards, felt my feelings, and embraced my humanity, exposing myself exactly as I was. As I did this, the experience of unconditional love started to expand very rapidly internally. Please understand that I am a very successful business woman. There is nothing woo-woo about me. I am down to earth and very realistic. The consciousness I am talking about is something that is very concrete and real. I am a modern woman, but I am having a completely different experience because I have this capacity to flow.

I live in the present moment and have centers all over the world that I organize and control. But I do it from a place of joy and peace. I am highly effective, whereas before, I thought no one could be successful without being stressed.

I know that power and clarity come from unconditional love. The intuitiveness to perceive what the next step is to be, as well as the capacity to flow, also come from unconditional love.

Randy: Can you talk about fear?

Isha: Fear is an illusion that can be destroyed through the expansion of consciousness. Fear is what creates the illusion of separation from unconditional love. All humans create some separation from that internal innocence, that internal love and perfection. It could come about through death, divorce, abuse or anything, but something caps that connection to innocence.

Then we start to recreate ourselves in a way that we think is appropriate to receive love externally. Often, we do this to such an extent that we abandon ourselves and don't even know who we are. We start having resentments and live in a place called victim consciousness.

All of these things are a product of fear, the fear of losing love. All of these things are also supported physically, as these fears are recorded in the body. When we start to expand love consciousness, the support system for fear - that panic, that nervousness, or whatever it is that we are worried about losing - starts to leave the body. The love consciousness starts to elevate the fear into a vibration of love.

When you have unconditional love, you start to give love from a place of fearlessness. Often, when we live in duality, we give love from a place of control and contractual love. For example, we say, "I love you," but we expect something in return. Or we think, "If you love me, you won't do that," or "if you love me, you would show me you love me by doing this and this."

We have all these conditions that we use to manipulate and control others. But when we love ourselves unconditionally, we give that love to other people. We don't project their fears, or our own discontent and insecurities, onto our partners, our children, or ultimately onto our world.

Randy: Many years ago I was extremely ill. At one point, I was in terror because I thought I was going to die. Then a friend came over and led me through a guided meditation. I was able to access a place that was above and beyond all fear. I had never experienced anything quite like this before. It was a place of total peace.

Isha: Yes. I walk around the streets with that experience permanently. That is what I am talking about, but this peace is not about tapping into a particular field; you are that peace and it is in you. When you go into that, you can expand it to the point where it is permanent. It happens very quickly because it is who we really are. Children have that experience all the time. Then they start to create situations that separate them from that permanent experience.

Randy: What is the most important message you want to share?

Isha: Your happiness and love is your responsibility. We are always waiting for happiness and love to come from the external. Until we have it within ourselves we are never going to be satisfied with the external. Our partners will mirror those aspects of ourselves that we don't love, as will our families and the world.

When we love ourselves unconditionally, we start to perceive through the eyes of perfection, instead of always focusing on what is wrong. The most important thing any human can do is to expand and love herself or himself unconditionally. Then we can give that gift to anyone.

Randy: Sometimes I find myself reacting to circumstances, rather than feeling in control.

Isha: Everyone does. Until you really sit in love consciousness, the whole world sits in victim consciousness. It's natural for us; it's what we've been taught. We are addicted to that feeling. There is a part of us that associates love with suffering, with being hard on ourselves and letting people mistreat us and not appreciate us. The love of your life is you. You are who you are going to have with you throughout your whole life.

Randy: Do you think the fear we hold is personal, or could it be the fear that is held in the collective unconscious?

Isha: We live in victim consciousness, but to heal it is up to each individual. You know you are that consciousness. There is only one conscious mind. It is not something external making us experience that; it is our internal state that makes us experience it.

Randy: Do you feel fear?

Isha: I don't experience fear anymore, but I live in a world surrounded by millions of people who do. The media supports the collective fear. We are told that we are in a crisis and then everyone goes into crisis mode. If we didn't know about it, we probably wouldn't be going into it. We feed off it and start making decisions from that place, and it becomes a collective crisis.

Randy: Final words?

Isha: Commit to doing the Isha System for one month. Don't be put off by its simplicity because freedom comes from simplistic things. Innocence, joy and peace are simple. Don't think that something has to be extraordinarily hard to be good. No pain, no gain is not the truth.

That is why I tell the story about the farmer. Only the simple farmer could see the situation clearly and say, "All we have to do is cut this branch, and this bird is going to find its true nature." That's what I want people to know - the expansion of love consciousness can be really simple

Randy Peyser is the author of "The Power of Miracle Thinking." www.MiracleThinking.com. She also edits books and helps people find publishers or self-publish. www.AuthorOneStop.com

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